NR GRP 2019 MCQ Solution
1. What is Operating Ratio ?
a. Working expenses/Gross earnings X 100
b. Revenue expenses/Net earnings X 100 :
c. Net earnings/Gross expenses X 100
d. Gross Earnings / Working expenses X 100
Ans. a
2. Which of the following fund is used for replacement of overaged assets.
a. DF
b. DRF
c. Capital
Ans. b
3. Head ‘Balance sheet Transfer’ is operated in: .
a. Traffic Book
b. Balance Sheet
c. Accounts Office Balance sheet
d. Adjustment Balance Sheet
Ans. a
4. Normal increment is allowed after :
a. 06 months
b. 2 years
c. 1.5 years
d. 1 year
Ans. d
5. Productivity tests are conducted to know :
a. Remunerativeness on work
b. Financial progress of work
c. Physical progress of work
d. None of the above
Ans. a
7. Which of the following Method is adopted for working out Financial Appraisal of Projects
a. Discounted Cash Flow method
b. Critical Path Method
C. Depreciation Method
d. None of the above
Ans. a
8. What is the major purpose of PVC in Contracts?
a. To track measurement of work done,
b. To track validity of Performance guarantee.
c. To ensure interests of Railways in calculation of earnest money.
d. To protect interests of Contractors and Railways due to inflation/deflation/variation in prices
Ans. d
9. Charged expenditure requires Sanction of:
a. Prime Minister
b. President
c. Parliament
d. None of the above
Ans. b
10. What does Annexure ‘J’ denotes in Appropriation Accounts
a. Statement of Estimated and Actual credits or recoveries
b. Statement showing revenue and Capital Expenditure relating to Strategic lines.
c. Statement showing remission and abandonment of claims to revenue.
d. Statement of important misclassifications and mistakes detected.
Ans. d
11. Which Primary Unit (Object of Expenditure) primarily records booking of Contractual payments for works
a. PU 01
b. PU 02
c. PU 32
d. PU 12
Ans. c
12. The post of Financial Commissioner Railways will now be called as:-
a CEO (Finance)
b. Member (Finance)
c. Member (Accounts)
d. Member (Business Development)
Ans. b
13. Earnings from goods traffic, is booked into which Abstract?
a. Abstract "y"
b. Abstract "X"
c. Abstract "Z"
d. None of the above
Ans. a
14. Charge Sheet for major Penalty is issued through which standard forms
a. SF-5
b. SF-6
c. SF-7
d. SF-8
Ans. a
15. Plan Head 41 deals with:
a. New Lines (Construction)
b. Bridge Works
c. Electrification Project
d. Machinery & Plant
Ans. d
16. Stock which provide for an emergency in case of default by the supplier and also to take care of fluctuations in consumptions, is known as
a. Emergency stock
b. Buffer stock
c. Ordinary stores
d. Custody stock
Ans. b
17. The detailed distribution of budget allotment w.r.t Works, Machinery and Rolling Stock Programme of Railways is contained in;
a. Red book
b. Black book
c. Pink Book
d. None of the above
Ans. c
18. The term ‘Debtor’ means
a. A person who owes something to the business
b. A person to whom something is owing by the business
c. Both of the above.
d. None of the above.
Ans. a
19. No. of LAP credited in a calendar year :
a. 8 days
b. 60 days
c. 30 days
d. 20 days
Ans. c
20. All charges for maintenance and repairs after opening of the line for traffic are accounted under head:
a. Capital
b. DRF
c. DF
d. Ordinary Revenue
Ans. d
21. A Station Balance Sheet is a ______ account of a Station Master.
a. Railway
b. Personal
c. Station
d. Traffic
Ans. b
22. When is Hindi Divas celebrated ?
a. 10th September
b. 11th September
c. 12th September
d. 14th September
Ans. d
24. Cash check sheet is prepared by :
a. Cash Office
b. TIA
c. Station Master
d. None of the above
25. Which of the items are objectionable expenditure
a. Want of sanctioned estimate
b. Excess over sanctioned estimate
c. Want of sanctioned appropriation
d. All of the above
Ans. d(not sure)
26. Leave encashment is permitted in Cumulative upto :
a. 40 days
b. 50 days
c. 60 days
d. 70 days
Ans. c
27. Traffic Book consists of how many distinct parts -
a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 4
Ans. d
28. What is the Maximum rate permissible in Railways for commutation of Pension(old)
a. 40%
b. 50%
c. 60%
d. 70%
Ans. a
30. A standing advance of a fixed sum of money to meet Petty office expenses is -
a. Imprest
b. Earnest Money
c. Reserve fund
d. Pension fund
Ans. a
31. The process of collecting, valuating, analysing and booking of charges for works done in Workshop is reviewed through
a. Workshop Manufacture Suspense account
b. Stores suspense
c. Deposit suspense
d. None of the above
Ans. a
32. Proforma On Cost (POC) is also known as:
a. Shop On Cost
b. General On Cost
c. Administrative On Costs
d. None of the above
Ans. c
33. Max. how many financial up-gradation benefits are normally allowed under MACPs :
a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. None of the above
Ans. c
35. The document which is the authority for shop to undertake manufacture of component is:-
a. Route card
b. Job card
c. Material tag
d. Scroll sheet
Ans. a
36. For approval of AAC of A, B and C category items vetting of HQ finance is required only for -
a. A Category
b. B category
c. A & B ceategory
d. A, B and C category
Ans. a
38. The following is not a component of Traffic suspense:-
a. Stations Outstandings
b. AOB outstanding
c. Cash in Transit
d. Bills Recoverable
Ans. d
39. Material drawn from Stores Depots by workshops is debited to
a. Workshop Manufacture Suspense
b. Labour suspense
c. Stores Suspense
d. None of the above
Ans. a
40. Which of the following analysis is a part of Inventory Control:-
a. F.O.R
b. ABC
c. T.A.N
d. All of the above.
Ans. b