C-TARA Webinar

Held on 10.05.2021 to 30.06.2021

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Part- A
(i) ________ is used to determine whether the extra earnings or savings in earnings anticipated in a proposal have actually materialized after completion of such works.
a. Stores Audit 
b. Productivity Test
c. Theme Based Check 
d. General Accounts Inspection 
Ans. b
(iIi) Sand, Marum. Coal Ash/ Cinder. Stone are types of ________ used in Indian Railways. .
a. Bricks
b. Fire extinguishing agents
c. Ballast
d. Sleepers
Ans. c
(iii) _________  are works which are executed for the provisioning of hospitals, maternity and child welfare centres, institutes, clubs and schools, ete.
a. Operating Expenses 
b. Permanent Way and Works
c. Staff Welfare Works 
d. Rolling Stock Works
Ans. c

(iv) To record quantities of work done for the purpose of making payments for such works, ___________ is used.
a. Measurement Book 
b. Register of Works
c. Urgency Certificate
d. Completion Report
Ans. a
(v) ___________ is the amount recovered from contractors for their failure to execute  contact and supply Materials as per the Agreement in force.
a. Price Variation Clause 
b. Statutory Variation Clause
c. Denial Clause
d. Liquidated Damages
Ans. d
(vi) Single Tender is invited in exceptional case where it really advantageous for the system like in cases where _____________.
a. Work is complex and complicated.
b. Work is of emergent nature like an accident or breaches leading to dislocation of traffic.
c. Annual Maintenance Contract equipment.
d. All of the above
Ans. a
(vii) Charged expenditure is such class of expenditure which the President accords sanction, like __________.
a. Interest, sinking fund charges, redemption charges 
b. Salary, allowances, pension payable to CAG of India
c. Any sums required to satisfy judgements, decrees, awards or arbitrations
d. All of the above
Ans. d
(viii) ________ is a detailed study of the traffic conditions and prospects of an area through which it ts intended to construct line.
a. Final location survey
b. Preliminary survey
c. Reconnaissance survey
d. Traffic survey 
Ans. d (not sure)
 (ix) ___________ includes amount realized from disposal of an asset and the amount realized from the disposal of materials released from a work.
a. Depreciation Reserve Fund
b. Revenue Account 
c. Open Line Works Revenue
d. Special Railway Safety Fund 
Ans. a (at present OLWR and SRSF are not working )
(x) A _________ is maintained by the executive to the watch pace of expenditure vis-a-vis the budget allotment and to keep control of expenditure by each work as well as by each grant.
a. Revenue Allocation Register
b. Contractor’s ledger 
c. Liability Register 
d. Work Register 
Ans. d


(i) Government always has to pay interest money on Earnest Money and Security Deposit to the Contractor for a contract.
Ans. False

ii) After the Work has started, whenever the contract is rescinded, the Performance Guarantee is returned to the contractor.
Ans. True
(iii) Open tender system is the best means considered to secure the best value possible for the money spent as it requires calling of the tenders by the public advertisement in the most open and public manner.
Ans. True
(iv) Stand by machinery refers to miscellaneous spare parts of the machinery, plant or equipment which is chargeable to a different head.
(v) Deposit Works are works executed by the Railways for other Government Departments, State Government, local bodies, private individuals, etc. the cost of which is not met by Railway funds but out of funds for non-railways sources.
Ans. True
(vi) Material modification means modification of substantial character in any scheme or project during the progress of work.
. (vii) Voted expenditure is that for which the provisions of funds is subject to the vote of parliament. 
Ans. True
(viii) Work registers should be maintained Work wise and Sub Estimate Wise. 
Ans. True
(ix) Cashing Guarantee Bond is not the responsibility of the Accounts Officer.
Ans. False
(x) Canons of Financial Propriety broadly represent the principles of orthodox finance whereby every public officer should exercise the same vigilance on expenditure from Government revenue as a person of ordinary prudence would exercise while spending his own money. 
Ans. True